Friday, January 27, 2017

I believe in the Mandela Effect, deal with it!



I Have Literally, Physically Experienced a Visible, Physical, Provable SHIFT in the Timeline I knew to be “my Life”, my “Reality”.

It happened to me in a Clear, Profound, PHYSICAL way in May of 2016, or at least that is when I, without a doubt noticed that I was living in a version of “my Reality”, “my World” that was very different than the World I knew to be my Reality before May of 2016.
I noticed my body was different, my literal anatomy. I noticed the sky was different, geography different, brand names, musicians, movie lines, food, animals, and so much more was NOT the same as I clearly remembered being my ENTIRE life.

For me, personally, it is a FACT that I am now living in a different Reality, Timeline as I now know it to be. An actual different Place in Time and Space then I knew to be “My Life”.

Once you Truly see, physically experience and have 100% Validation that you have moved into another Timeline, another REALITY,  this experienced, realized, KNOWN Fact to you, changes how you see Everything, how you experience people, time, emotions and well, EVERYTHING.
All the “other stuff”, and I mean ALL of it, fades in it’s importance and is no longer center stage of one’s life.  The knowledge, experiencing and witnessing as fact for you, at that point validates that you can LITERALLY, Physically choose and create your reality by your own THOUGHTS, Energy, Emotions, Wishes, Words, Complaints or Gratitude, and this is Truly Miraculously Awe-Inspiring, and the ONLY thing that actually matters from that moment on.

Once this becomes a known fact to you, it overrides all other things, all input, all perceptions, all information, history, all prior information and so much more. All you knew as your “reality” before this moment is no longer what you hold as ABSOLUTE FACT. This knowledge becomes the top tier of all things in your human life.

And what next, boldly becomes, How to Do this at will. How to make this Timeline change with actual choice right now in this very moment. That is my current studies and daily practice.

I have always known that my thoughts create my reality, and the experience I have in life. That my thoughts and emotions create a better or somehow worse tomorrow or version of my life. This was all part of positive thinking and of using my own thoughts and inner life to improve my outer life and in turn raise the conscious of ALL.  However, I did not really expect to see it as a literally shift, a physically witnessed change or an actual movement in Time or Reality.

I did not expect each of those emotionally charged thoughts to actually LITERALLY create another reality or possibility that I could experience for “REAL” or actually do experience in a different Timeline, a different version of ME, in this same concept of time I know as NOW.

This WOW Factor has become so profound to me that I work daily, with every breath, every thought to learn more about how to Change Timelines, how to Create Worlds and how to raise the Vibration of all of my “selves” out there, with every choice, thought, emotion and action that I consciously choose right here in what I know as my NOW.

Change your Life with the Power of Thoughts seemed a topic only for conceptual thought and philosophical ponderings. A topic for study to work on more positive thoughts to create a better future, a better me somewhere down the line. And in this ONE version of me.

Sure I believed in the multi-verse, in quantum realities, in parallel lives and all those far out, profound, metaphysical reality topics. However, I did not ever expect to witness such ponderings in a Clear. Literal, Physical way such as I now, without a doubt, have.

Deep Study, Research, and Application of that Knowledge in regard to Changing your Timeline NOW seems to be the most important concept to study, learn, deeply research and apply to the best of my ability, knowledge, focus, and thought.  

If you can Change your Timeline (your Actual REALITY) with your THOUGHTS, Emotions, Actions, and Energy, in an actual physical way, than what could possibly compete with being more IMPORTANT?  

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Learn and Study ALL you can on this Topic and Ya,
LITERALLY Change your Life.

Check Out a Couple of my Blogs

AND Facebook Pages

Moving into another Reality / Dimension

Quantum Shift, Paradigm Shift, Timeline Shift, Changing Timelines, Paradigm Shift, Reality Shift, Time Travel, Time Jumping, Quantum Jumping, Quantum Effect, Mandela Effect, Parallel Lives, Parallel Universes, Alternate History, Quantum Healing (Psychic Surgery), Earth Transporting, Parallel Realities, Parallel Dimensions, Quantum Leap, 5D Ascension, Timeline Merge, Timeline Collapsing.

Marina Jacobi - New Beginning Timeline - January-20-2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017



Adronis - The Mandela Effect

CBS News " Half of people "remember" events that never happened"

"Study: Half of people "remember" events that never happened

Ever find yourself caught up in a vivid memory of an event that, you later realize with confusion, didn’t really happen the way you thought? According to new research by psychologists at the University of Warwick in the U.K., you are far from alone.

The study demonstrated that about half of individuals will come to believe a fictional event occurred if they are told about that event and then repeatedly imagine it happening.

More than 400 people participated in the study, led by professor Kimberley Wade.

The study experimented with implanting fake (but relatively harmless) memories, such as taking a childhood hot-air balloon ride, pulling a prank on a teacher, or causing trouble at a family wedding, into the minds of study participants.

Researchers told them about the imaginary events as if they were real, and about 30 percent of participants appeared to “remember” it happening, even elaborating on how it occurred and describing details of what it was like. Another 23 percent showed signs of accepting the story to some degree, the researchers said.

Showing participants photos of the purported hot-air balloon ride actually diminished the chances that they would accept the account and develop false memory.

The researchers theorize this could be because “such photos may serve to constrain imagination during efforts to recall the event, thus leading to lower memory formation.”

In order to fit the definition of a false memory, they looked for instances where participants went beyond the “facts” initially told to them. “As participants move from saying ‘I do not remember that’ to ‘Now I remember … ,’ they must report additional imagery or otherwise elaborate beyond the suggested material,” the authors wrote in the study, published in the journal Memory. “Thus, approximately one-third of participants showed evidence of a false memory, and more than half showed evidence of believing that the event occurred in the past.”

The study highlights the slippery nature of human memory, and is just the latest in a growing body of research looking into how memories form and how they can be manipulated.

“The finding that a large portion of people are prone to developing false beliefs is important. We know from other research that distorted beliefs can influence people’s behaviors, intentions and attitudes,” Wade said in a press statement.

The results also raise questions about the integrity of processes that rely heavily on human memory, from courtroom testimony to therapy treatments.

“It can be difficult to objectively determine when someone is recollecting the past, versus reporting other forms of knowledge or belief or describing mental representations that have originated in other sources of experience,” the authors conclude. “Even under highly controlled laboratory conditions, memory researchers struggle to define and observe memory.

How, then, can we expect therapists, forensic investigators, medical personnel, human resource staff, or jurists to be any better at this task?”
