Friday, November 25, 2016

How to Change your Reality by moving into the Timeline You want to be Living, another words all aspects of the LIFE you really want to be living. 

Your Sovereign Will to Make Choices and your capacity to Feel is all you need to Co-Create Your Reality. And move into a Timeline that you want to be living in.

Step 1.    Identify the Timeline you want to live in. See it in your minds eye with as much clarity and emotion as you can.

Step 2.    Shift your Vibrational State to match that Timeline.

Step 3.    Lock in the Vibrational State so that it does not waver. Hold the image, look at it often. Hold the Excitement and the feeling of living that life.

Take an action that is an expression of the new timeline in which you want to be living in.

Step 5.  Perseverance. You must persevere with the image, the belief and the action of the timeline you want, no matter what outside information doubts you, judges you, tries to convince you it can't or wont happen. You MUST PERSEVERE. 

Your current timeline is an accumulation of beliefs, patterns, intentions over your life and your programming. As well as your family, DNA, programming over many generations.

You really do have to PERSEVERE to break through this pattern and into the timeline you want to be living in.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Scientist Blows the Whistle on the Mandela Effect

Scientist Blows the Whistle on the Mandela Effect

List of 100% changes - Mandela Effects 2016 examples

The Mandela Effect More Examples/10

The Mandela Effect!! Mind Blowing Changes In Our Current Reality!!!

The Mandela Effect | Explained

Mega List to Check Out

NEW Mandela Effects You've Never Heard Of

Forbidden Knowledge, Revelations of a Multidimensional Time Traveler - Jason Quitt & Bob Mitchell


The John Titor Chronicles 2016 Time Travel Interview

JohnTitor and The Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect - The Men In Black - Glitch In The Matrix And The Hat Man


Insane MANDELA EFFECT List & Proof! MIND BENDING!!! November 1st 2016 More Mandela